Priority Initiatives (Materialities)

Specific Activities for Priority Initiatives (Material Issues)

Specific Activities for Priority Initiatives (Material Issues)

We have identified three priority initiatives that we will pursue based on a foundation of governance and communication. The priority initiatives we have identified are as follows: “Connecting People and Local Communities,” “Connecting a Sustainable Society and the Times,” and “Improving the Satisfaction of Employees.” We identified these initiatives based on whether they are issues that can be addressed by capitalizing on our core business, are meaningful for the Group to address, and can produce results.

DFF Inc., 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 総務企画部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 財務・IR統括部 広報・IR部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 コンプライアンス部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 秘書室, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 監査委員会運営部, 三越伊勢丹HD チーフオフィサー室経営企画DIV, 三越伊勢丹ヒューマン・ソリューションズ 人財開発事業部

Long-term Goals and Current Status

Long-term Goals and Current Status

To realize the future envisioned by the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group, we have identified the following key factors: under Materiality 1, urban development leveraging the Group’s advantage of having broad national and international networks; under Materiality 2, achievement of a decarbonized society and fulfillment of social responsibility across the supply chain; and under Materiality 3, diversity and inclusion, raising of employee motivation, and the promotion of life-work balance. To bring these into reality, they have been set out as long-term goals.

三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 総務企画部

Materiality ❶
Connecting People and Local Communities

  • To help customers enrich their lifestyles, we take initiatives that connect people with local communities. This includes the creation of opportunities to experience other people’s sentiments and sensibilities and the introduction of the local cultures, traditions, and specialty products of many regions.

  • Connecting People and Local Communities


Aiming for the sustainable development of society and economy, the Group engages in various activities as a member of the local community. Through active communication with the people and communities around us and active participation of each of our employees, we seek and practice what we can do by leveraging our unique strengths as a Group with a department store business at its core. Specifically speaking, we carry out activities to revitalize local communities, social contribution activities centered on fundraising, cultural and traditional projects, and next generation development. We will continue to promote a trusting relationship with local communities.


We will leverage the Group’s strengths, including our extensive store network in Japan and overseas and product/service procurement capabilities, to connect Japanese technology and traditional culture to the next generation through goods and services. We will also propose solutions to social issues and new values by bringing people and the community together.

Main Initiatives

三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 総務企画部

Materiality ❷
Connecting a Sustainable Society and the Times

Under the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Environmental Policy, established in 2009, we have been promoting various environmental initiatives, including energy and resource conservation and proposals for eco-friendly lifestyles. In order to hand down a sustainable society to future generations, we are working together with our business partners and other stakeholders to help create a carbon-neutral society and a supply chain that takes the environment and human rights into consideration.


In recent years, disaster risks associated with climate change and environmental and human rights risks in the supply chain have had an increasing and more serious impact on our daily lives and business activities. Under the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Environmental Policy, the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Human Rights Policy, and the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Procurement Policy, we are working to overcome various social issues and hand down a sustainable society to future generations through a variety of initiatives. These include energy conservation, energy creation, and introduction of renewable energy initiatives that lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, resource recycling, waste reduction, and other efforts to reduce our environmental impact, as well as the promotion of procurement activities that take into consideration the environment and human rights.

2030 and 2050 Targets and Current Status

  Current 2030 2050
Achieving a carbon-neutral society Greenhouse gas emissions

(FY2022 results/vs. FY2013)
Greenhouse gas emissions -50% (vs. FY2013)
Ratio of renewable energy introduced 60%
(Percentage of electricity used in department store business in Japan)
*100% of company-owned properties in the department store business in Japan
Net zero greenhouse gas emissions
Building a sustainable supply chain Notification of Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Approx. 6,000 companies
Dialogue with business partners
198 companies

*As of October 31, 2023
Procurement Policy
Penetration rate among employees and business partners

Main Initiatives

DFF Inc., 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部サステナビリティ推進部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 総務企画部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 財務・IR統括部 広報・IR部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 コンプライアンス部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 秘書室, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 監査委員会運営部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 人事統括部 グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹HDS リスクマネジメント室, 三越伊勢丹HD チーフオフィサー室経営企画DIV, 三越伊勢丹ヒューマン・ソリューションズ 人財開発事業部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事部労務・人事企画DIV, 三越伊勢丹HD 内部監査室 内部統制部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹 人事統括部 人材開発部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ労務・人事企画部, 三越伊勢丹HD 総務統括部グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹 ストアクリエイショングループ, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 取締役会運営部

Materiality ➌
Improving the Satisfaction of Employees
Aiming to Improve Job Satisfaction and Create a Comfortable Working Environment

The Isetan Mitsukoshi Group believes that people are the most important factor in achieving its management plan. In order for all employees to work toward the same goal, we consider employee satisfaction (job satisfaction and comfortable working environment), which leads to employee engagement, to be the most important foundation.


“Touching people’s hearts with human-driven experiences” is the mission we have set forth in the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Corporate Philosophy. In line with this, the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group believes that the enthusiasm and abilities of each and every employee are the greatest source of innovation that leads to corporate and social growth and ideas that lead to improved productivity. As a company, we will continue to invest in our human capital. Specifically, we will promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) and achieve corporate growth and social growth by providing growth opportunities that suit each and every diverse individual, and by creating an environment in which people can work in their own way.

Long-Term Goals and Current Status

Current 2024 2030
Ratio of female managers
(Equivalent to section chief level,or above)
30.6% *1
(as of April 1, 2023)
33% *1 38% *1
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave 97.4% *2
(FY2022 results)
100% *2 100 *1
Ratio of employees with disabilities 2.83% *3
(as of June 1, 2023)
3.0% *3 3.5% *3
Companies achieving the average 1,700 total working hours per year 39.1% *4
(FY2022 results)
80% *4 100% *4
Employee satisfaction survey response rate 100% *1
(FY2022 results)
100% *1

*1 across the Group
*2 Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd.
*3 Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd. and major Group companies in the Tokyo metropolitan area
*4 target 23 Group companies

Main Initiatives

三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 総務企画部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 財務・IR統括部 広報・IR部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 コンプライアンス部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 秘書室, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 監査委員会運営部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 人事統括部 グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹HDS リスクマネジメント室, 三越伊勢丹HD チーフオフィサー室経営企画DIV, 三越伊勢丹ヒューマン・ソリューションズ 人財開発事業部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事部労務・人事企画DIV, 三越伊勢丹HD 内部監査室 内部統制部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹 人事統括部 人材開発部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ労務・人事企画部, 三越伊勢丹HD 総務統括部グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹 ストアクリエイショングループ, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 取締役会運営部