
Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

Promotion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


  • In order to maximize the capabilities of the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group’s diverse human assets (human capital), we will set out our vision for individuals and the organization, the nature of the relationship between employees and the company, and the expectations and responsibilities of each position. Through a culture of dialogue, which will serve as the foundation for achieving this vision, the company, supervisors, and employees, who play the leading role, will work as one to improve the value of human capital.

  • Relationship between employees and the company that leads to increased human capital value

Ideal Employee-Company Relationships for Increased Employee Engagement

  • Based on our vision for a new ideal relationship between employees and the company which aims to foster mutual growth and enrichment, we conduct an annual employee engagement survey and use the results to promote efforts to improve employee engagement. As part of these efforts, management and supervisors continue to instill our Corporate Philosophy, management strategies, and policies to employees through regular dialogue and communication. We continue to build systems, structures, and working environments to help employees feel a sense of job satisfaction and to ensure we create comfortable working environments. Each employee is encouraged to be self-directed and proactive, and to work together to achieve personal growth and realize management strategies. In this way, we aim to encourage a two-way relationship of mutual growth and enrichment.

  • Three-pronged approach to improving employee engagement on an ongoing basis

Expectations for Employees and Responsibilities of the Company and Supervisors

We clarify the expectations and responsibilities of employees, supervisors, and the company with respect to what we aim to achieve as individuals and as an organization. Employees are expected to be self-directed, respectful, and creative with others. In turn, the company and supervisors are responsible for creating such opportunities and an environment, which will lead to sustainable improvement of the organization’s capabilities. In addition, as the foundation of our human resources, the company and supervisors aim to create a workplace environment where everyone can work with peace of mind so as to ensure that each employee can maintain good mental and physical health.

A culture of dialogue that draws out the potential of individuals

We believe that regular dialogue is the basis for all efforts toward improving the satisfaction of employees, which in turn will lead to employee engagement.
We will promote dialogue and discussion at all levels of relationships in the company to foster unity.

  • Dialogue between top management and employees

    ▼ Penetration of management policies

    Dialogue between middle management and unit members

    ▼ Improvement of each individual’s psychological safety

    Communication between labor and management

    ▼ Improvement of workstyle and the quality of personnel systems

Dialogue between top management and employees

As part of our efforts to disseminate management policies and improve employee engagement, we hold dialogues between top management and employees. These dialogues are intended to help employees understand the progress of our medium- and long-term strategies and the direction of future steps and initiatives, recognize issues and the direction of initiatives in their own organizations and departments and link them to their own actions, and share this information with their colleagues to motivate each one of them to take action. In FY2022, we expanded the scope of this initiative, which we have been implementing since FY2021, to include major Group companies. In FY2023, we will continue to engage in dialogue with employees of Group companies. In addition, Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd. and Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. will hold dialogues with young career-track employees and other voluntary participants.

  • Planned dialogues for FY2023

    • Dialogue meetings between the president and stage A and B employees (general managers and managers equivalent to section managers ) of Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd. and Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.: Scheduled to be held approx. 16 times in total

    • Dialogue meetings between the president and Stage C-t employees (young career-track employees) of Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd. and Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.: Scheduled to be held 3 times in total

    • Dialogue meetings between the president and Stage A and B employees (general managers and managers equivalent to section managers ) of each Group company: Scheduled to be held approx. 20 times in total

  • Dialogue in progress at Nagoya MitsukoshiDialogue in progress at Nagoya Mitsukoshi
Dialogue between middle management and unit members

We hold regular one-on-one meetings between supervisors and subordinates with the aim of helping the participants to understand the individuality and emotions of others, as well as to develop human resources who can think and act on their own initiative. Through this dialogue, we hope to improve the psychological safety of each employee, which in turn will lead to increased job satisfaction and a more comfortable working environment. Since FY2019, we have held seminars to help participants understand the purpose and significance of 1-on-1 meetings and acquire the skills needed to listen to what members have to say.
During FY2023, training will be provided to approximately 240 Stage A (general managers) and 2,300 Stage B (managers equivalent to section managers ) employees.

Communication between labor and management

The Company recognizes the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Labor Union as the only legitimate collective bargaining organization, and has set out that direct employees of all Group companies must, in principle, be members of this Union. Collective agreements have been concluded between 26 Group companies and 26 branches and chapters of the Union, and the agreements stipulate labor-management relations as well as personnel matters and labor conditions. The Group holds labor-management consultations on personnel and wage systems, workstyles and work hour systems, and other issues throughout each year rather than negotiating in a short period of time, such as during the spring wage negotiations.
Discussions between the Group’s top management and the Union headquarters leaders, as well as between the heads of Group companies and Union branch leaders, are also held regularly and information is shared. Based on mutual understanding and a relationship of trust and cooperation, efforts are made toward smooth business operations and the maintenance and improvement of the working environment.
Relations between labor and management are mutually cooperative and cordial.

The Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Labor Union (Japanese version only)

三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 総務企画部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 財務・IR統括部 広報・IR部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 コンプライアンス部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 秘書室, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 監査委員会運営部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 人事統括部 グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹HDS リスクマネジメント室, 三越伊勢丹HD チーフオフィサー室経営企画DIV, 三越伊勢丹ヒューマン・ソリューションズ 人財開発事業部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事部労務・人事企画DIV, 三越伊勢丹HD 内部監査室 内部統制部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹 人事統括部 人材開発部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ労務・人事企画部, 三越伊勢丹HD 総務統括部グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹 ストアクリエイショングループ, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 取締役会運営部

図2 清掃活動の様子

三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 総務企画部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 財務・IR統括部 広報・IR部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 総務統括部 コンプライアンス部, 三越伊勢丹HDS 秘書室, 三越伊勢丹HDS 取締役会室 監査委員会運営部, 三越伊勢丹ヒューマン・ソリューションズ 人財開発事業部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ人事部, 三越伊勢丹 人事統括部 人材開発部, 三越伊勢丹 総務人事グループ労務・人事企画部, 三越伊勢丹HD 総務統括部グループ人事部