Department Store Initiative: "think good"

Department Store Initiative: "think good"

What “think good” is about

  • The slogan “think good” carries our message, “Let’s start by thinking seriously, using our imagination,” toward a bright and prosperous future. Based on the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group’s Basic Policy on Sustainability, we set out the following three pillars in April 2021:
    i) assorting products responsible for the global environment including ecosystems, people working for and social issues;
    ii) promotion of the 4Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle); and
    iii) the dissemination of culture, technology, and sensibility, to guide our sustainability initiatives implemented through our main business activities under the slogan of “think good.”
    We will continue to aim for a sustainable society and a bright and prosperous future, by respecting and bridging diverse values and increasing various options, together with all stakeholders including our customers, business partners, and the local community.


Our “think good” commitments

To expand opportunities for activities based on “think good,” Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd. has been running campaigns under the “think good” slogan several times a year, mainly through the Isetan Shinjuku Main Store, Mitsukoshi Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi Ginza Store, and the Isetan Mitsukoshi Online Store.

The three axes of “think good”—Initiatives

Three axes Initiatives

Selection of products that take into account the global environment, including ecosystems, people, and society.

Offer products, services, and communication that "considered the global environment, including ecosystems, people, and society."
● Environmental protection
● Biodiversity protection
● Animal welfare
● Human rights, the forced labor issue
● Traceability
● Transparency

Promotion of the 4Rs

Focus on the 4Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) to send out the values of using and cherishing things for a long time and parting with things in a beautiful manner. We will take various actions to solve issues below.
● Mass-production, Mass-consumption
● Waste issue
● Single-use plastics
● Food waste
● Climate change

The dissemination of culture, technology, and sensibility

Support producers, producing regions, and culture to lead the inheritance of culture to be handed down to the next generation, as well as the discovery and dissemination of new sensibilities
● Inheritance of culture and technology
● Identification and fostering of sensibilities
● Regional revitalization, resource utilization
● Mutual complementarity and circulation of all resources
● Development of infrastructure (technology) for dissemination

Expansion of “think good” campaigns to regional Group stores in FY2023

  • The original “think good” campaigns were held only at five stores in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Shinjuku, Nihombashi, Ginza, Tachikawa, and Urawa) and on the Isetan Mitsukoshi Online Store. However, from the fall of FY2022, campaigns were expanded across the Group to include not only the Tokyo metropolitan area but also Sapporo Mitsukoshi, the Marui Imai Sapporo Main Store, Takamatsu Mitsukoshi, Fukuoka Mitsukoshi, and the Iwataya Main Store.
    In April, under the theme of “Many Colors,” the campaign introduced a unique lineup ranging from colorful designs perfect for spring to items that will help every person to feel at ease. We prepared a range of wonderful products and projects that would make people realize that, when they pick up an item that fascinates them, it is actually connected to sustainability. The theme of the October campaign was “Hello, see you again, nice to meet you.” Say “hello” to environmentally friendly products and items that have been remade or otherwise reborn. “See you again” to items that are recycled or otherwise passed on to the next person. And a positive “nice to meet you” to items that will be revived through care and repair.

  • Expansion of “think good” campaigns to regional Group stores in FY2023

Utilizing leftover fabric as pieces for manufacturing products with new value

  • Isetan Mitsukoshi also focuses on the 4Rs in “think good” as an approach to realizing a recycling-oriented society in the fashion industry. In the October 2023 campaign, the Isetan Shinjuku Main Store, Mitsukoshi Nihombashi Main Store, Mitsukoshi Ginza Store, and Iwataya Mitsukoshi held the Piece de Mirai project as the main project to suggest a new future through fashion. We evolved the Piece de Mirai project held in March 2022, and under this project, various brands and companies from Japan and other parts of the world introduced their leftover fabric, and these “pieces” were used to create products with new value.

  • Utilizing leftover fabric as pieces for manufacturing products with new value

An important aspect of the Piece de Mirai initiative is to invite the generation that will lead the fashion industry in the future to participate in the project. This time, buyers from the Isetan Shinjuku Main Store visited four schools (Bunka Fashion College, ESMOD Tokyo School, ESMOD Paris School, and Tama Art University) to talk about the problems facing the fashion industry, such as the large amount of used stock, as well as what the Piece de Mirai project is aiming for, and invited students to participate in creating works. Each of their works gave a unique take on the project, incorporating the context of Piece de Mirai from their own perspectives. For example, there was a dress inspired by the sight of denim piled up as used stock, and a design utilizing the frayed edges of the fabric to reduce the amount of thread used. The students’ works were displayed in the show windows and storefronts of the Isetan Shinjuku Main Store from October 11 to October 24. Piece de Mirai was well received by customers, business partners, and other stakeholders, who gave the project their wholehearted support.

Works by Ririka Ishida (left) and Hideto Minami (right) of Bunka Fashion College, who participated in the project
  • The “think good” campaign will continue to expand the number of stores that host campaigns, while aiming for a sustainable society and a bright and prosperous future.

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