Sustainability Management

Structure for Promoting Sustainability

Structure for Promoting Sustainability

In FY2018, the Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings dramatically revised the Group structure for the management of conventional CSR activities, including environmental measures, from the viewpoints of the Environment, Society, and Governance (ESG) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We aim to achieve sustainable business management by both solving social issues and improving corporate value through business under the leadership of senior management by establishing and holding the Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by the CEO.
In April 2022, we established the Sustainability Promotion Division within the General Affairs Department of Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings in order to promote sustainability-oriented management with greater speed.

Main Activities of the Sustainability Promotion Committee and Sustainability Promotion Section Meeting

● Identification of risks and opportunities and formulation of necessary policies in promoting sustainability throughout the Group

● Sharing, discussing, and monitoring best practices of ESG initiatives at Group companies

● Sharing the latest knowledge in ESG

Sustainability Promotion Committee

The Sustainability Promotion Committee seeks to promote and raise awareness for the measures and priority initiatives of our sustainability activities across the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group. Chaired by the CEO of Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings, the Committee consists of the General managers of departments (business unit representatives) and affiliate representatives. The Committee held twice in FY2022.

Sustainability Promotion Section Meeting

The Sustainability Promotion Section Meeting operates under the Sustainability Promotion Committee. Chaired by the CAO of Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings, this Meeting is for promoting sustainability measures in working level. It consists of managers (business subunit chiefs), including the general managers of the general affairs departments of the Group companies and Group stores. The Committee held twice in FY2022.

Organization for Promoting Sustainability in FY2023

Organization for Promoting Sustainability in FY2023

Role of the Sustainability Promotion Division

● Administrative secretariat for the Sustainability Promotion Committee, Sustainability Promotion Section Meeting, etc.

● Sustainability of the entire Group

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