What's New

Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2013)

Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2013)

sustainability report

Sustainability Report

Job Satisfaction: Promoting Lifelong CDP to Allow Individuals to Grow

Human Resource Development Policy

Grand Design for Human Resource Development In order to achieve sustaina...

Sustainability Management
Value Creation Process

Connecting a Sustainable Society and the Times

Environment Wi...

Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2012)

Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2011)

Sustainability Management
Our Policies Related to Sustainability

<a id="name" class="anchor"></a>Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Human Rights Policy

Throughout its long history, the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group has led a prospero...

Corporate Governance

Initiatives to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Evaluation of Board o Director's effectivenes The Company is conductin...

Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

Promotion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Vision The ideal relationship between employee-company Culture of...

GRI Standards
GRI Standards

GRI Standards Content Index

General Disclosures Economic Environmental Social General...

Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2015)

Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2014)

Connecting a Sustainable Society and the Times
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Initiatives

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Initiatives

Energy conservation: Switching to LED After the Great East Japan Earthqu...

Department Store Initiative: "think good"
Department Store Initiative: "think good"

Department Store Initiative: "think good"

What “think good” is about The slogan “think good” carries our me...

Comfortable Working Environment: Allowing Individuals to Flourish and Achieve a Good Life-work Balance

Comfortable Working Environment: Allowing Individuals to Flourish and Achieve a Good Life-work Balance

Allowing Individuals to Flourish Active Participation of Women Su...

Priority Initiatives (Materialities)
Specific Activities for Priority Initiatives (Material Issues)

<span style="font-size: 70%">Materiality ➌</span><br>Improving the Satisfaction of Employees<br>Aiming to Improve Job Satisfaction and Create a Comfortable Working Environment

The Isetan Mitsukoshi Group believes that people are the most important fac...

Corporate Governance

External Director [Independent Officer] Tomoko Ando (Jul 1...


Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2012)

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

“We always act with integrity and sincerity, and fulfill our responsibiliti...

Priority Initiatives (Materialities)
Specific Activities for Priority Initiatives (Material Issues)

<span style="font-size: 70%">Materiality ❷</span><br>Connecting a Sustainable Society and the Times

Under the Isetan Mitsukoshi Group Environmental Policy, established in 2009...

Sustainability News
サステナビリティニュース(back number 2012)